Rotary Interact
For Service-Minded High Schoolers
Discover How Serious Leadership Can Be Seriously Fun

​Join us for exciting service opportunities and fun adventures, and expand your horizons! Your teen will have the opportunity to serve on community and global levels through programs that they plan, lead, and complete. Our first meeting will take place on October 9.
2023-24 Meetings: Beginning Oct. 9
When: Mondays, 7:00-7:45 PM
Where: Spring Dell Center
2022-23 Accomplishments
Winner of the Rotary Enviro-Club Gold Plus Award for significant community service focused on improving the environment.
Participation in the Dictionary Project, preparing dictionaries for distribution to all 3rd graders in the Charles County Public Schools.
Charles County Adopt-A-Road Program volunteer organization
Selection of two Interactors to attend Girls State, sponsored by the American Legion.
Participation in the National AgriScience Youth Summit for the second consecutive year in Bethesda, MD.
Youth and Peace in Action Program: Our Interact team was chosen as one of five teams on the East Coast to present at the YouNited Youth Conference. Chosen by the Maryland State Arts Council to receive grant funds for the completion of their mural project, focused on promoting mental health in the community.
Art Smiles Program: Our Interactors worked side by side with Spring Dell residents to create two beautiful murals at the Spring Dell Center promoting peace and bridging gaps within the community.
Our Nurture Natives team, made up of three Interactors collaborating with the Charles County 4-H, continued their work for a second year, receiving grants to widen the reach of their project of promoting and distributing native trees. Check out their project here: Nurture Natives page.
Pollinator Ambassadors: Our Interactors educated children and adults about the importance of pollinators in our environment at schools, day camps, community events, Charles County Fair, and NatureFest.
Support of the NatureFest and Giving Fair, reaching out to hundreds of families with free artistic, environmental, and educational experiences.
Interested? Register here!
Benefits and Goals
Take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world.
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while
discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun!
What are the benefits?
Connect with leaders in your community and around the world to:
Take action to make a difference in your school and community
Discover new cultures and promote international understanding
Become a leader in your school and community
Key goals of Charles County Interact Club during 2023-24:
Build environmental awareness and complete local projects to preserve our beautiful outdoors.
Participate in Rotary's Youth and Peace in Action program, which includes peace education, training, and project mentoring for high school students, and completing our YPA Art Smiles murals in the community with the community.
Grow in awareness of careers, as we enjoy speakers from an array of professions and leadership positions.
Have fun with our Interact friends during student-planned activities.
Develop a work ethic, leadership skills, and compassion.