Saturday, May 25, 2024
Share NatureFest With Your Friends and Family!
Learn About the Beauties of Nature at the Most Fun Event of the Year!
Prepare to be amazed, get your hands dirty, and have loads of fun as we learn about the beauties of nature together!
When: Saturday, May 25, 10 AM-2 PM
Where: Tilghman Lake Park
Join us for...
Live Animal Shows: 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM
Live Banjo Music: 12:15 PM-1 PM
Plus a book and bracelet sale!
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NatureFest 2023
Did you miss out on NatureFest?
Watch and listen as our director, Ms. Georgia, talks about NatureFest 2023 and all of its fun!
Credit: Bill Smith, videographer
A couple of helpful resources and fun activities!
When you attend NatureFest, your child will receive activity kits. The Charles County Master Gardeners have created these resources to help them further understand how to assemble and use their kits.
You may also reference Instructional videos here:
Charles County Extension YouTube channel
And further resources are available here:
For more fun nature-based resources, please check these out:
For more amazing online resources, check out the Maryland Agriculture Education Foundation's website.
We would like to acknowledge these organizations for their kind donations toward NatureFest:
Thank you to the following individuals who helped NatureFest 2021 become a reality through their donations:
Bill and Marlene Smith
Jacqueline Jenkins
Laverne R. Madison
Lester and Bettina Bailem
Michelle Chenault
Pat Biles
Teresa Jones
Teri White
Terry Thir