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For those who prefer one-on-one lessons, our Music Academy offers lessons of excellence. Our goal is not to teach the pieces, but rather the skills that allow a student to learn music quickly on their own.  

We teach a variety of instruments,


  • Piano

  • Voice

  • Trumpet

  • Trombone

  • Euphonium

  • Clarinet

  • Flute​

  • Oboe

  • English Horn

  • Guitar

Students will learn:

  • Timing and Rhythm

  • Technique

  • Sight-Playing

  • Fingering

  • Ear training and sight singing

  • The art of practicing efficiently

  • The art of memorization

  • The art of performance

A unique feature of our approach includes a Monthly Music Fest every fourth week. Each month at our Monthly Music Fest, students meet for 1 hour and 30 minutes to perform for one another, play speed games to fine-tune their music theory skills, learn more about the great composers, develop friendships, and use their music money (earned through their weekly accomplishments) at the monthly Music Market. What a great opportunity to combine world-class instruction with interactive activities to develop the extraordinary in every student!


Individual lessons are available Monday - Friday, 3:30 PM - 8 PM. 


To register and set a lesson time, please complete the following registration forms and email a picture or scan to We accept students all year long and prorate tuition and materials costs appropriately.

Get to know our faculty on our Music Faculty Page.


  • 45-minute lessons for 33 weeks of instruction* / 10 low monthly payments of $175 per month (+$4 processing fee).

  • Materials Fee: $160 per year, includes all music, additional fees, and other learning aids.​

*Instruction includes Monthly Music Fest every fourth week in place of an individual lesson.

**25% discount applies to second set of individual lessons of equal or lesser value.​

Materials Fee - Individual Music Lessons

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